Getting started¶
To view a list of all available commands, use the sidebar. The basic commands to get started are listed below.
.fmbot uses to get information about your music taste. Don't have a account? You can create one here.
For more information on connecting to Spotify or other music services, please click here.
Note that .fmbot is not associated with, we simply use their API. For issues with you can check out their support forums.
Have an issue with the bot you need help with? Please check the Frequently Asked section first.
This command connects your account to .fmbot.
After using this command the bot will DM you a link where you can allow access to your account.
Not receiving a DM from .fmbot when using this command? Please check if you have DMs enabled in the servers privacy settings.
(responds in-channel)
Please note that users in shared servers will be able to see and request your username.
To delete all your data from .fmbot, including friends and other settings, use .remove
Shows information about getting started with the bot.
Shows you or someone else their user profile with some interesting statistics.
- User - Select another user by mention, Discord ID or username (
Want to see a yearly overview on your profile? Get .fmbot supporter here.
Shows an overview of all your .fmbot settings.
Use the dropdown to pick what setting you want to change.
(responds in-channel)
This command allows you to change how your .fm command looks.
Available modes:
- Embed tiny - Shows last track in a compact format
- Embed - Shows last track (default)
- Embed full - Shows last two tracks
- Text one-line - Shows last track in one lie, disables footer options and album
- Text - Shows last track
- Text full - Shows last two tracks
You can also enable up to 4 custom options to show in your .fm
Use the provided dropdowns to select and de-select which options you want.
(responds in-channel)
Supporters can select up 9 options, and have access to some exclusive options like first artist listen. Get .fmbot supporter here.
This command allows you to change how responses to the various whoknows and top lists commmand look.
Modes: embed
or image
You can also override this preference on every invididual command. Simply add img
or embed
to the command.
Override examples
.whoknows the beatles image
.toptracks 2023 img
.globalwhoknows mac miller embed
Sets automatic emoji reactions for every .fm
and featured
command you use.
To disable, simply use .userreactions
without any emojis.
Make sure the emojis you enable are in a server that .fmbot is also in.
Max amount of emojis is 5. Please put a space between every emoji.
This setting is supporter only. Get .fmbot supporter here.
.userreactions :PagChomp: :PensiveBlob:
.userreactions 😀 😯 🥵
.userreactions 😀 😯 :PensiveBlob: