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Server settings

Server settings can only be changed by admins, users with the 'Ban Members' permission or .fmbot admins.


Shows all server settings in an easy overview.

Use the dropdown to pick a setting that you want to change.





Sets automatic emoji reactions for every .fm and featured command in your server.

To disable, simply use .serverreactions without any emojis.

Make sure the emojis you enable are on your server, or in a server that .fmbot is also in.

Max amount of emojis is 3. Please put a space between every emoji.


.serverreactions :PagChomp: :PensiveBlob:

.serverreactions 😀 😯 🥵

.serverreactions 😀 😯 :PensiveBlob:



Enable/disable commands per channel, or completely disable the bot in a channel.

You can also force an fm mode for everyone in the channel.

Use the up/down options to pick the channel you want to change.




You can enable/disable commands server-wide.




This command allows you to change the .fmbot prefix on your server.

Note that you can always mention the bot, this will work regardless of prefix.



@.fmbot prefix

Examples of commands when prefix is set to !




