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.jumble (.j)

Play the new Jumble game! Guess the artist out of your all-time top artists together with your friends.

  • Guess the artist name based on a jumbled name
  • Play together with your friends, first one to guess wins
  • Use the hints, add more hints or reshuffle the name
  • Difficulty gradually increases
  • Play up to 30 jumbles a day or unlimited for supporters




Server staff and want to restrict jumble to specific channels? Use .togglecommand

Want to play unlimited jumbles every day? Get .fmbot supporter here.

.pixel (.px)

Play the new Pixel jumble game! Guess the album out of your all-time top albums together with your friends.

  • Guess the album name based on the pixelated album cover
  • Play together with your friends, first one to guess wins
  • Add more hints and decrease the pixelation, or reveal the jumbled name
  • Difficulty gradually increases
  • Play up to 30 pixel jumbles a day or unlimited for supporters




Server staff and want to restrict pixel jumble to specific channels? Use .togglecommand

Want to play unlimited pixel jumbles every day? Get .fmbot supporter here.